Health and Safety Policy

The Centre is not staffed, it is incumbent on all access cardholders, people and groups booking and using the Centre to adhere to these requirements. 

A responsible person 16 years of age or above must be in attendance at the Centre at all times when it is being used.

There are two emergency exits:

  1. Front door that will lock when it closes preventing access from outside but can be opened at any time from the inside without the use of an access card or key.
  2. The door located toward the end of the Centre on the outside of the nets on the golf course side of the Centre. 

The Centre is fitted with smoke and heat sensors. In the event of any of these activating an alarm or if a fire or smoke are discovered:

  1. Leave the building immediately, walk do not run and move to the grass area well away from the Centre.
  2. Call the Fire Service on 111 and advise them of the alarm activation or that fire or smoke have been discovered. The location of the Centre is Trentham Memorial Park, Upper Hutt, Barton Road entrance.
  3. Advise the Trust on 020 4006 3236 of the situation.

The smoke and heat sensors are monitored by ADT Security.

There are two fire extinguishers in the Centre located;

  1. On the wall at the entrance end of the seating area.
  2. On the wall outside the nets on the golf course side of the building near the emergency exit.


Please advise the Trust on 020 4006 3236 if either are used.

Fire Safety

First Aid

A first aid box is located on the wall next to the doors to the storeroom.


Access Cardholders or the person/organisation that has made a booking or a representative of the person/organisation that has made a booking are responsible for their own health and safety as well as all of those in their group/booking.

All persons using the Centre must take all reasonable precautions for their safe use of the Centre.

Access Cardholders or the person/organisation that has made a booking or a representative of the person/organisation that has made a booking must ensure the maximum number of people in the Centre at any one time, including children, does not exceed 90.