Bookings, Access Cardholders and Using the Centre


Individual lanes cannot be booked. The only exception to this for approved and qualified coaches who are charging for their services. When coaches have made bookings the Availability Calendar will specify which lane(s) have been booked. The other lanes will be available for Casual, Unlimited and Limited Hours Access Card holders to use with a maximum of four people. Those lanes cannot be booked or used by teams/groups. 

Bookings cannot be made on line. All booking requests must be sent by email to Please check the Availability Calendar to ensure the date and time of the proposed booking(s) is available before submitting booking requests.

If you click on a particular booking on the Availability Calendar you will see the time the booking starts and finishes and details if the booking is not for all three lanes.

All bookings of the Centre are required to be recorded on the Availability Calendar at least 3 hours before the start time of the booking. To enable this to be achieved booking requests should be submitted as early as possible to give the Trust sufficient time to process the request and record it on the Availability Calendar. The Trust does not guarantee booking requests will be able to be processed in time to meet the 3 hour requirement.

Where a booking request is for a start time of 10.00am or earlier the booking request must be received by the Trust before 8.00pm the night before.

The above also applies to bookings of individual lanes for one on one coaching where the coach is being paid for their services.

Bookings will not be accepted for dates more than 12 months in advance.

Group Booking Rates

  1. Adult Groups – $80 per hour
  2. School Age Groups – $60 per hour
  3. Where a combination of school age and adult participants, excluding the coach, are involved the adult group rate will apply to that booking.

The above rates are GST inclusive. We are unable to accept EFTPOS or credit cards.

Groups and people booking the Centre must intend to use the Centre. Bookings will not be accepted if the intention is to use the Centre only if the weather at the time of the booking is not good.

Group Booking Policy

The Group Booking Policy can be accessed using the above link.

Maximum numbers in the Centre

The maximum number of people, adults and children, permitted in the Centre at one time is 90.

Group Booking Procedures

  1. Identify available times on the Availability Calendar.
  2. Submit your desired dates and times to
  3. If a booking is accepted it will be recorded on the Availability Calendar on the Centre’s website and a confirmation of the booking will be sent.
  4. Booking requests will be processed as soon as possible on receipt and in the order they are received.

Personal Access Cardholders


  1. Casual Access – $22 per hour / maximum 4 persons – Pay as you go.
  2. 6 Months Unlimited Hours Access / maximum 4 persons, $500, payable in full at the time the card is issued.
  3. 12 Months Unlimited Hours Access / maximum 4 persons; $660, payable in full at the time the card is issued.

Casual Card Users – Pay as you go.   

  • Casual Access Cards will only be issued to responsible people aged 18 and over.
  • The cost for casual users is $22 per hour for a maximum of 4 persons using one lane. This includes the use, if required and available, of the cricket bowling or softball pitching machines. If no one else is using the Centre you can use the other lanes but you must allow other users who arrive after you to use the other lanes.
  • Initially casual users pay $66, which is non-refundable, at which time they are provided with an access card. The $66 covers the first three hours use of the Centre after that payment is required to be made at the time of each use of the Centre.
  •  The person the Access Card has been issued to is responsible to ensure all conditions of use of the Centre and payment are met.
  • Causal Access Cardholders cannot book individual lanes. They need to check the Availability Calendar to see if the Centre is available. 
  • Casual Access Cardholders can use the Centre 24/7 provided there are lanes available.
  • To obtain a Casual Access Card contact Trevor Hammond on to arrange a mutually suitable time to meet at the Centre.

6 and 12 Month Unlimited Hours Access Cards.   

  • Unlimited Hours Access Cards will only be issued to responsible people aged 18 and over.
  • Unlimited Hours Access Cards will only be issued in the name of one person, the cardholder.
  • The person who is issued an Unlimited Hours Access Card or an immediate family member must be in attendance at the Centre each time the card is used and remain at the Centre for the duration of each use. Where the immediate family member is not aged 16 years or over a responsible person aged 16 years or over must be in attendance at the Centre when the immediate family member is using the Centre and remain at the Centre for the duration of that use.
  • The person an Unlimited Hours Access Card is issued to is responsible to ensure all conditions of use of the Centre are met.
  • A maximum of 4 persons including the cardholder can use the Centre per visit.
  • Unlimited Hours Access Cards allow the use of one lane although more can be used if they are available. If more than one lane is being used the extra lane must be made available to any other Access Card holders who arrive to use the Centre.
  • Unlimited Hours Access cardholders can use the cricket bowling or softball pitching machines, if available.
  • Unlimited Hours Access cardholders cannot book individual lanes. They need to check the Availability Calendar to see if the Centre is available. 
  • Unlimited Hours Access Cards can be used 24/7 provided there are lanes are available.
  • Payment is required in full at the time of issue of an Unlimited Hours Access Card. No refunds will be made.

To obtain an Unlimited Hours Access Card contact Trevor Hammond on to arrange to meet at the Centre at a mutually suitable time.

Limited Hours (2 hours per week) access cards. Please note new Limited Hours Access Cards are no longer available. These conditions are for the information of existing Limited Hours Access Cards only. 

    • A a new week will be deemed to commence at 11.59 pm each Sunday.
    • Unused hours in any week cannot be brought forward to future weeks.
    • The minimum time for each use of the Centre is one hour.
    • You must record your name and the start and finish times of each use in the diary located on the table in the Centre.
    • Any use of the Centre above 2 hours per week must be paid for on the day of use at the rate of $22 per hour.

Using the Centre

When Access Cardholders present their card at the card reader the door will unlock for five seconds to allow them to open the door and enter the Centre. If the door is not opened within five seconds it will re-lock and the access card will need to presented at the reader again. Once the card holder is in the Centre the door will close, lock and remain locked.

Users of the Centre cannot manually unlock the door and leave it unlocked. In the event any members of a group do not enter the Centre with the Access Cardholder or leave the Centre and return later they will need to press the doorbell button, located above the card reader, to advise that they have arrived. The door can then be unlocked by someone in the Centre using the door release button, located in front of the viewing area, or someone can go to the door and open it. When the door closes it will re-lock.

Please note: The door can be opened manually from the inside by anyone at any time.

All users of the Centre must adhere to the Conditions of Use of the Centre and all Notices in the Centre. 

Use of the Centre is monitored by CCTV.

All costs incurred in the recovery of overdue funds, including but not limited to debt recovery collection costs up to 40.35%, late payment penalties and legal fees may also be added to the balance of monies owing.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the Centre contact Trevor Hammond on or 020 4006 3236.